ANSTO Library
World-class research needs to be informed by world-class information resources. The ANSTO Library is Australia's most comprehensive scientific centre for nuclear information. It is a much-valued national resource that supports the scientific, research, commercial and educational activities of ANSTO. The Library collection contains over 50,000 monograph titles, over 6,500 electronic journals, more than 1,700 print journal titles and over 200 databases. It encompasses an extensive classic collection of technical reports dating from the 1950s, as well as a vast range of patents, standards, theses and nuclear literature, available in electronic, hardcopy or microfiche formats.
Library Access
Physical access to the library is restricted to site staff only, however, the material located on our Library Catalogue is available for Inter Library Loan through Libraries Australia. Contact your library to request an Inter Library Loan.
ANSTO Publications Online (APO)
ANSTO Publications Online is ANSTO's Institutional Repository that showcases ANSTO research. The repository contains records of more than 60 years of ANSTO/AAEC research publications, including journal articles, conference papers, books and reports. Some recent records may have full-text attachments available where copyright and confidentiality conditions permit.
ANSTO Library Catalogue
ANSTO's Library Catalogue contains a list of books, journals, electronic journals, e-books standards, and technical reports, housed within the Library collection. Subject areas covered by the collection include: environmental sciences, radiopharmacology, materials science, management, counter terrorism, climate change, minerals, nuclear medicine, food sciences and safeguards.
International Nuclear Information System (INIS)
INIS is the world's global information system of published and grey literature on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. ANSTO Library is the Australian INIS Centre with a statutory responsibility to identify, capture and index relevant Australian literature for INIS for free global access.
The ANSTO Library invites your submission of relevant Australian output to contact us at [email protected].
ANSTO's Position Statement on Open Access
In early 2021 Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley, identified the need for a national open access strategy to provide critical impetus to drive forward the agenda for open access to research - the foundations of which have been laid over the past 20 years. Developing a national strategy will ensure that Australia is well placed to make sure that Australian research can fully participate in the global research ecosystem.
The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the Council of Australian University Librarians have also recognised the importance of publishing research with open access, where papers can be read without payment of a one-off access charge or subscription.
Open access ensures that the highest quality, peer-reviewed evidence is available to anyone who needs it, anywhere in the world. Publishing with open access improves transparency and advances science. Open access publication enables ANSTO to share our research effectively and equitably with global partners and stakeholders. Open access supports the generation of new knowledge applied to solve complex problems, stimulate innovation, deliver social benefits and drive economic prosperity, locally, nationally and globally by facilitating exposure, sharing, comparison, use and critique of research. It also enables ANSTO to meet the requirements of national and international funding bodies, including the ARC and NHMRC.
Accordingly, ANSTO is committed to enabling open access to its research outputs, in particular for its research outputs to be distributed online, free of cost or other access impediments. This is consistent with the policy intent of the Australian Government’s open access initiatives to increase access to publicly funded information.
ANSTO will choose what content it publishes and when, and will do so being mindful of the expectations of the Australian Government, contractual arrangements with our collaborators and commercial clients, and other relevant factors including commercial-in-confidence and security implications. To deliver this policy intent, ANSTO adopts the most appropriate publishing mode to use in each case, including open access.