User access at the National Deuteration Facility
Modes of access
Proposal submissions to the National Deuteration Facility are accepted for access to NDF capabilities for provision of deuterated and multiple isotopically labelled molecules for neutron scattering and other applications.
There are three modes of access available to NDF capabilities – merit, user pays/collaboration and commercial which are outlined in further detail below.
Proposals are to be submitted via the online ANSTO Research Portal (ARP) at https://portal.ansto.gov.au/ with four proposal types available:
- Deuteration: merit access proposal for NDF capabilities within a 6-month round. This proposal type is for overseas neutron experiments or for non-neutron applications (e.g. NMR, MS).
- Deuteration/Neutron: merit access proposal for ACNS instruments and NDF capabilities where deuterated molecule/s are required for the proposed neutron experiments at ACNS.
- Program – Deuteration: merit access proposal for a program of research of up to 3 years for access to NDF capabilities of biological and/or chemical deuteration or multiple isotopic labelling. This program proposal type is for overseas neutron experiments or non-neutron applications (e.g. NMR, MS).
- Program – Deuteration/Neutron: Merit access proposal for a program of research of up to 3 years for access to both ACNS instruments and NDF capabilities, where deuterated molecule/s are required for the proposed program of research utilising ACNS neutron instruments.
To discuss user pays/collaboration or commercial access modes or for any queries, please contact the NDF via [email protected].
The NDF utilises both Chemical Deuteration and Biodeuteration techniques. An extensive product list is available providing examples of the types of molecules and labelling accessible (refer to the NDF Product Catalogue available for download below).
1. Merit based user access
Access to the NDF is most commonly via merit-based proposals.
Dates & submission: Calls for applications close in March and September of each year. NDF staff can assist with the submission process. We welcome enquiries regarding proposals at any time.
Approval & conditions: Proposals are reviewed externally, internally for feasibility/safety and by the NDF Program Advisory Committee (PAC) who provide a ranking based on scientific merit. The criteria for this mode is that deuterated molecules are to be used for experiments in Australia using Australian Research Infrastructure* (e.g., ACNS neutron instruments, NMR, MS or other facilities). Co-authorship and acknowledgement on resultant publication/s is required.
Costs: If successful, you will receive the deuterated molecule at no cost. There may be some cost recovery negotiated for isotopic materials used for multiple-labelling of proteins, where there are high costs or shipping; or when there are a large number/quantity of material/s requested.
Delivery: The time-frame for delivery of the materials is via negotiation, however, proposals are usually submitted for commencement in the next 6 month block (i.e. March submission for July commencement, September for January commencement).
* Similar approval conditions apply for New Zealand users – please contact NDF to discuss further.
2. User pays/collaboration mode of access
Dates & submission:Proposals for this access mode can be submitted via the 6-monthly merit access rounds (closing mid-March and mid-September) or at any time after discussion with the NDF.
Approval & conditions:Proposals are required to be submitted via the online portal for assessment. Co-authorship and acknowledgement on resulting publication/s is also expected for this access mode.
Costs:Under the User Pays/Collaboration arrangement, there is a 50% cost recovery of the total cost (including materials, labour involved and facility costs). Proposals can be from applicants in both Australia and overseas.
Delivery: dates are by negotiation.
3. Commercial access
Dates & submission: Enquires accepted at any time. NDF will internally manage any proposal submission under this mode.
Approval & conditions: Approval is by NDF Leader discretion. NDF acknowledgement on any resultant publication/s is requested. Minimum quantities for supply of molecules apply.
Costs: Full cost recovery.
Delivery: dates by negotiation.
Certificate of Analysis/Product Data Sheet
For successful proposals, NDF will synthesise and provide the requested deuterated molecules or materials, provide chemical and biological advice and provide the appropriate analyses for the produced deuterated product (e.g., certificate of analysis or product data sheet). Figures/experimental data will also be provided for manuscripts where co-authorship has been negotiated.
Submit a proposal
Acceptance of the terms and conditions below is required for submission of a proposal in the ANSTO Research Portal.
1. Potential Cost Recovery Fees
Requests for multiple-labelled proteins (e.g. with 2H plus 13C and/or 15N) will involve some recovery of the cost of isotopically labelled materials used in production.
Proposals for experimental applications in countries other than Australia will be subject to partial cost recovery/collaboration.
Some delivery charges incurred by NDF will be subject to cost recovery (e.g. dry ice shipments).
Large mass or number of molecules will be subject to negotiation and will potentially be subject to partial cost recovery.
2. Authorship agreement
Co-authorship of publications arising from use of NDF-produced molecules through the merit and user pays/collaboration access models is expected due to the substantial time (weeks to months) and degree of difficulty in isotopically labelling molecules that are not usually available from other sources.
The NDF Acknowledgment statement is to be added to any resulting publications and other relevant materials.
Acknowledging NDF
The acknowledgement of NDF contribution builds an evidence base that demonstrates that investments in equipment and people have led to important outcomes.
It is therefore necessary for the future of NDF and NCRIS that we are able to ascertain the usage of NDF capabilities in terms of research outcomes and impact. For this reason it is vital that publications or other research outputs acknowledge the support of NDF and the NCRIS program where appropriate, in addition to the co-authorship expectations outlined in the Terms and Conditions above.
The following acknowledgment is to be included in all publications and other relevant materials:
We acknowledge the support of the Australian Government in provision of access to ANSTO’s National Deuteration Facility which is partly funded through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) via NDF proposal XXXXX.
The National Deuteration Facility is partly supported by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy – an initiative of the Australian Government.